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Health Research Projects


Upon completion of a research project, the project manager must remember to send the necessary final notifications. Research data must be anonymised or destroyed after an archiving period in accordance with the REK approval.

Final Notification

When the project is completed, the project manager should send a final notification using the appropriate form to REK. The project manager or responsible researcher should also send a copy of the final notification to godkjenning@ous-hf.no.

In addition, the study should be registered as completed in both CTIS, ClinicalTrials.gov, and the hospitals’ websites/Helsenorge if the project is registered there, see the eHåndboken procedure  Kliniske studier - Registrering og synliggjøring av studier og resultater (Clinical Trials - Registration and Dissemination of Trials and Results).

Deletion/Anonymisation and Destruction of Research Data

Once the project is completed, research data must be handled in accordance with the REK approval and its conditions, including any conditions specified in feedback regarding the legal basis for data processing. The project manager or responsible researcher will receive an automatic message from the Medinsight register reminding them of the end date for their project.

Research data should not be used in other projects without obtaining new approvals.

If a specific research biobank is associated with the project, the material must be handled according to what is specified in the REK approval.


Last updated 10/15/2024