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Publikasjoner fra Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for blodtypeserologi

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The 2024 international survey of platelet products and practice.

Ohto H, Flegel WA, van der Meer PF, Ngoma AM, Nollet KE, Choudhury N, Legler TJ; with the International Platelet Survey Investigators.Transfus Apher Sci. 2025 Apr;64(2):104086. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2025.104086. Epub 2025 Feb 11.PMID: 39970652


Transient suppression of high-prevalence Kell blood group antigens and concomitant development of a Kell-related antibody that appears to recognize a high-prevalence Kell antigen not previously defined.

Titze TL, Ulvahaug N, Moksnes M, Skeie N, Crew VK, Akkök ÇA, Thornton N.Immunohematology. 2024 Dec 31;40(4):153-158. doi: 10.2478/immunohematology-2024-021. Print 2024 Dec 1.PMID: 39740013

Anti-D Immunoglobulin May Have Effect if Given Within 10 Days.

Akkök ÇA, Köse E.Air Med J. 2024 Nov-Dec;43(6):474-475. doi: 10.1016/j.amj.2024.09.009. Epub 2024 Oct 10.PMID: 39632020 No abstract available.

  Transfusing selected RhD negative patients with RhD positive packed red cell concentrates resulted in lower frequency of anti-D development and saved almost two thousand RhD negative concentrates during 5 years.

Alm IM, Brenna E, Akkök ÇA.Transfus Med. 2024 Dec 3. doi: 10.1111/tme.13118. Online ahead of print.PMID: 39626958

Why do RhD negative pregnant women still become anti-D immunized despite prophylaxis with anti-D immunoglobulin?

Akkök ÇA.Transfus Apher Sci. 2024 Aug;63(4):103969. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2024.103969. Epub 2024 Jul 2.PMID: 38959811 Review.

Terminating Routine Cord Blood RhD Typing of the Newborns to Guide Postnatal Anti-D Immunoglobulin Prophylaxis Based on the Results of Fetal RHD Genotyping

Stensrud M, Bævre MS, Alm IM, Wong HY, Herud I, Jacobsen B, de Vos DDJA, Stjern HE, Sørvoll IH, Barane JB, Bagås TE, Rasmussen M, Ulvahaug N, Wamstad V, Tomter G, Akkök ÇA. Fetal Diagn Ther. 2023;50(4):276-281. doi: 10.1159/000531694. Epub 2023 Jun 28. PMID: 37379821. Free article 

Effects of storage on quality and function of acid-treated platelets with reduced HLA Class I surface expression

Mirlashari MR, Vetlesen A, Nissen-Meyer LSH, Hetland G. Transfus Med. 2023 Aug;33(4):329-336. doi: 10.1111/tme.12983. Epub 2023 Jun 25.

Ny interessegruppe for rødcellesykdommer​

Nina Haagenrud Schultz, Anne-Grethe Bechensteen, Eirik Brekka Tjønnfjord, Çiğdem Akalin Akkök, Marte Holmboe Berg

Management of Wrong Blood Transfusion to an RhD Negative Woman in Labor.

Titze TL, Hamnvik LHD, Hauglum IM, Carlsen AET, Tjeldhorn L, Nguyen NT, Akkök ÇA.Int J Womens Health. 2023 Jan 4;15:1-6. doi: 10.2147/IJWH.S390661. eCollection 2023.PMID: 36628052 Free PMC article.

Vaccine associated benign headache and cutaneous hemorrhage after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: A cohort study.

Schultz NH, Søraas AVL, Sørvoll IH, Akkök ÇA, Vetlesen A, Bhamra JS, Ahlen MT, Holme PA, Aamodt AH, Skagen K, Skattør TH, Skjelland M, Wiedmann MK.J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2023 Jan;32(1):106860. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2022.106860. Epub 2022 Nov 17.PMID: 36403363 Free PMC article.

Blood and emergency preparedness

Nissen-Meyer LSH, Ezligini F, Bergerud UE, Holtan A, Akkök ÇA, Danilova E, Hetland G.Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2022 Aug 2;142(11). doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0494. Print 2022 Aug 16.PMID: 35997179 Free article. Norwegian. No abstract available

International guidelines regarding the role of intravenous immunoglobulin in the management of RhD- and ABO-mediated haemolytic disease of the newborn-reconsidering the recommendations

Hansen TWR, Akkök CA, Watchko JF.Br J Haematol. 2022 Nov;199(3):452-453. doi: 10.1111/bjh.18421. Epub 2022 Aug 22.PMID: 35993219 No abstract available

Following targeted routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis, almost half of the pregnant women had undetectable anti-D prophylaxis at delivery

Sørensen K, Stjern HE, Karlsen BAG, Tomter G, Ystad I, Herud I, Baevre MS, Llohn AH, Akkök ÇA.Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022 Apr;101(4):431-440. doi: 10.1111/aogs.14328. Epub 2022 Feb 27.PMID: 35224728 Free PMC article.

Proteomic study of apheresis platelets made HLA class I deficient for transfusion of refractory patients

Mirlashari MR, Vetlesen A, Nissen-Meyer LSH, Stensland ME, Singh SK, Nyman TA, Hetland G.  Proteomics Clin Appl. 2021 Nov;15(6):e2100022. doi: 10.1002/prca.202100022. Epub 2021 Sep 22

Alloimmunization in transfused patients with constitutional anemias in Norway

Furuseth MT, Alme C, Garvik LJ, Hellebostad M, Bechensteen AG, Akkök ÇA. Transfus Apher Sci. 2021 Oct;60(5):103257. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2021.103257. Epub 2021 Aug 17. PMID: 34420880.​

Recommendation for validation and quality assurance of non-invasive prenatal testing for foetal blood groups and implications for IVD risk classification according to EU regulations.

Clausen FB, Hellberg Å, Bein G, Bugert P, Schwartz D, Drnovsek TD, Finning K, Guz K, Haimila K, Henny C, O'Brien H, Orzinska A, Sørensen K, Thorlacius S, Wikman A, Denomme GA, Flegel WA, Gassner C, de Haas M, Hyland C, Ji Y, Lane WJ, Nogués N, Olsson ML, Peyrard T, van der Schoot CE, Weinstock C, Legler T.  Vox Sang. 2021 Jun 21.

HLA class I depletion by citric acid, and irradiation of apheresis platelets for transfusion of refractory patients

Mirlashari MR, Vetlesen A, Nissen-Meyer LSH, Naper C, Tjønnfjord GE, Njerve IU, Ezligini F, Landmark BF, Meinke S, Sandgren P, Höglund P, Hetland G. Transfusion. 2021 Apr;61(4):1222-1234.

Bestråling for å hindre en fatal transfusjonskomplikasjon / Irradiation to prevent a fatal transfusion complication

Bhatti SN, Gustavsen A, Hausberg IS, Hvalryg M, Rø ADB, Kristoffersen G, Espinosa A, Steinsvåg TT, Hagen KG, Titze TL, Akkök ÇA. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2021 Jun 7;141(9).

The Norwegian experience with nationwide implementation of fetal RHD genotyping and targeted routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis

Sørensen K, Baevre MS, Tomter G, Llohn AH, Hagen KG, Espinosa A, Jacobsen B, Arsenovic MG, Sørvoll IH, Ulvahaug AN, Sundic T, Akkök ÇA. Transfus Med. 2021 Apr 5.

Strategies to develop a prophylaxis for the prevention of HPA-1a immunization and fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia

Kjær M, Geisen C, Akkök ÇA, Wikman A, Sachs U, Bussel JB, Nielsen K, Walles K, Curtis BR, Vidarsson G, Järås K, Skogen B. Transfus Apher Sci. 2020 Feb;59(1):102712.

Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia - The Norwegian management model

Tiller H, Ahlen MT, Akkök ÇA, Husebekk A. Transfus Apher Sci. 2020 Feb;59(1):102711.

A young woman with a transfusion-related pregnancy complication.

Gustavsen A, Njerve IU, Sitras V, Haugen G, Tølløfsrud PA, Akkök ÇA.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2020 Jan 3;140(1).

Noninvasive fetal RHD genotyping to guide targeted anti-D prophylaxis-an external quality assessment workshop.

Clausen FB, Barrett AN; Noninvasive Fetal RHD Genotyping EQA2017 Working Group.Vox Sang. 2019 May;114(4):386-393.

A Case of Posttransfusion Purpura with Severe Refractory Thrombocytopenia but No Cutaneous Manifestations.

Bhamra JS, Iversen PO, Titze TK, Tjønnfjord GE, Akkök ÇA.
Case Rep Hematol. 2018 Oct 29;2018:8187659.

Immunohematologic issues in ABO-incompatible allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

 Akkök ÇA, Seghatchian J.
Transfus Apher Sci. 2018 Dec;57(6):812-815.

Determination of fetal RHD type in plasma of RhD negative pregnant women.

Sørensen K, Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Husby H, Akkök ÇA.
Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2018 Sep;78(5):411-416.

Pediatric red cell and platelet transfusions.

Akkök ÇA, Seghatchian J.
Transfus Apher Sci. 2018 Jun;57(3):358-362.

Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopaenia associated with maternal HLA antibodies.

Wendel K, Akkök ÇA, Kutzsche S.
BMJ Case Rep. 2017 Jul 5;2017.

RhD-immunisering i svangerskap.

Akkök ÇA, Eggebø TM, Kiserud T, Erik Heier H.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2016 Jun 7;136(10):894.

Severe hemolytic transfusion reaction due to anti-A1 following allogeneic stem cell transplantation with minor ABO incompatibility.

Akkök CA, Haugaa H, Galgerud A, Brinch L.
Transfus Apher Sci. 2013 Feb;48(1):63-6.

The Oslo Blood Bank, 22 July 2011.

Akkök CA.Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2011 Dec 13;131(24):2460-1.

A new blood group system, RHAG: three antigens resulting from amino acid substitutions in the Rh-associated glycoprotein.

Tilley L, Green C, Poole J, Gaskell A, Ridgwell K, Burton NM, Uchikawa M, Tsuneyama H, Ogasawara K, Akkøk CA, Daniels G.
Vox Sang. 2010 Feb;98(2):151-9.

Maternal IgG anti-A and anti-B titres predict outcome in ABO-incompatibility in the neonate.

Bakkeheim E, Bergerud U, Schmidt-Melbye AC, Akkök CA, Liestøl K, Fugelseth D, Lindemann R.
Acta Paediatr. 2009 Dec;98(12):1896-901.

Sist oppdatert 11.03.2025