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Prognose – CFS/ME

Klinisk erfaring tilsier at de fleste syke har god prognose. Det finnes få gode studier om dette, men basert på tilgjengelige studier ser det ut til at de fleste barn og unge blir friske eller betydelig bedre. Barn har generelt noe bedre prognose enn voksne, men også her blir de fleste bedre. For noen kan sykdommen bli langvarig. Prognosen påvirkes av hvilke tiltak/behandling som settes inn.

Nijhof, S. L., Bleijenberg, G., Uiterwaal, C. S., Kimpen, J. L., & van de Putte, E. M. (2012). Effectiveness of internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment for adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome (FITNET): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet379(9824), 1412-1418.

Nijhof, S. L., Priesterbach, L. P., Uiterwaal, C. S., Bleijenberg, G., Kimpen, J. L., & van de Putte, E. M. (2013). Internet-based therapy for adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome: long-term follow-up. Pediatrics131(6), e1788-e1795.

Rowe, K. S. (2019). Long term follow up of young people with chronic fatigue syndrome attending a pediatric outpatient service. Frontiers in pediatrics7, 21.

Gotaas, M. E., Stiles, T. C., Bjørngaard, J. H., Borchgrevink, P. C., & Fors, E. A. (2021). Cognitive behavioral therapy improves physical function and fatigue in mild and moderate chronic fatigue syndrome: A consecutive randomized controlled trial of standard and short interventions. Frontiers in psychiatry12, 580924.

Savage B, Kozlowska K. Chapter 35 Hypnosis in the Treatment of Functional Somatic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents.
In: Linden JH, De Benedettis G, Sugarman L, Varga K, editors. The Routledge International Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis New York: Routledge, 2024: pp. 517-36.

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Sist oppdatert 20.02.2025