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Welcome to OUS

Welcome to Oslo University Hospital! We want you to get the best possible start to your career at OUS, and have gathered all the important information you need to know as a new employee on this page.

Do not hesitate to ask your supervisor if you have any questions or need any help.

Calculation of salary seniority is relevant for many occupational groups at OUS and applies to new employees and those who have previously been employed at OUS. This is particularly relevant for employees who are paid according to rates in tariff agreements. If you are unsure whether this will apply to you, you can ask your supervisor.

What to do?
In order for us to calculate your correct salary seniority, you must submit a completed notification form together with your work certificates/service certificates, and if relevant; birth/adoption certificate/medical certificate related to care work, to Sakarkiv: as soon as possible. Work certificates/certificates of service must show the start and end dates, as well as how much you have worked as a percentage or number of hours.

Former employee?
If you have previously been employed at OUS, you only need to submit documentation for the period after your last employment at OUS unless your stay is for six months or less. If we do not receive anything, the number of years and months from your previous job will be continued upon accession.

Hourly paid workers
if you have not worked for the hospital for the last 6 months you must submit the Notification Form and the latest certificates for recalculation. If this is not submitted, the date of re-entry will be set as your seniority date.

Time of determination:
Your salary seniority is calculated after your employment contract/framework agreement has been signed. If your calculated salary seniority implies a higher salary position, the wage difference will be paid as a back payment. Your salary seniority date is set as of the 1st of the month. If Sakarkiv receives work certificates/service certificates later than three months after commencement or re-entry, the salary seniority will be effective from the date these are received by the health trust. If salary seniority is not calculated, commencement date will be set as the seniority date.

  • The calculation is based on:
    All employment with public and private enterprises from the age of 18
  • Work in the home caring for children or other care work requires a birth certificate or medical certificate, and is included with up to 3 years
  • First-time service in the military
  • Skilled labourers who have completed trade examinations will have the 'value creation part' of their apprenticeship included in salary seniority

More information
See our guidelines (document in norwegian): Salary seniority calculation

For positions requiring a certificate of conduct from the police, you must use your signed employment contract/framework agreement to apply for a certificate from the police online: Police –

The police will send you the certificate digitally, and you send/deliver this to your supervisor, or to Human Resources ( if you are affiliated with them.

The certificate of conduct must be presented before you start the position and can not be older than 3 months upon commencement.


If you are unionised, you must ask your supervisor to register your union affiliation in the Human Resources portal (Personalportalen) as soon as possible. It is very important to register your union affiliation so you receive the correct pay for your position and employment contract.


Information on tax and D numbers, application forms and identification requirements can be found at and When applying for a tax card and ID verification, you get assigned a Norwegian identity number / D number.

Foreign workers must have a valid residence permit for the entire period of employment.
If you have work in your home country, you must obtain the A1 Form from the national insurance office in your home country in order to receive the correct pension earnings. The form is submitted to


Our digital employee manual (eHåndbok) explains the internal procedures and other governing documents. These documents are designed to ensure good management of the hospital and to support the work done by our employees.



For information about our pension and insurance schemes, you can contact HR or your pension fund KLP for nurses and PKH for all other occupational groups.

The corona situation
Pensioners work with no limits at their ordinary hourly wage when this is related to the corona situation. This applies out december 2021 but can be extended by the authorities.

We offer occupational vaccinations to all our employees in accordance with the guidelines for Occupational Vaccinations set by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
You can also contact the occupational nurse for advice and assistance: tel 23075919 / 23075889 / 23075921.

Due to COVID-19, our vaccination outpatient clinics are closed for drop-in until further notice.
Call us by phone: 230 75880 to book an appointment.
Radiumhospitalet (room B 740): Wednesdays from 09:00-14:30. Tel.: 22 93 40 44.

  • Radiumhospitalet (room B 740): Wednesdays from 09:00-14:30. Tel.: 22 93 40 44.
  • Aker sykehus (Building 6, 10th floor): Wednesdays/Thursdays 08:00-14:00.
    Call in advance (cell phone): 913 33 407 Tel: 22 89 44 58.
  • Rikshospitalet (D5.2052): Tuesdays at 8:30-11:30, 12:30-14:30. Tel: 23 07 20 87.
  • Ullevål sykehus (Søsterhjemmet, Entrance 2B, 1st floor): Tuesdays at 08:30-11:00, 12:00-14:30.
  • Dikemark: Approx. 1 Wednesday per month. Call in advance. Mob/cell phone: 91333407.


Hepatitis B vaccine
Hepatitis B vaccines are offered to employees who may be exposed to blood infection. Blood infection can occur from stings, cuts and spills. The vaccine programme consists of 3 doses of vaccine taken within 6 months: a blood test is taken to measure antibodies 3 months after the last dose of the vaccine. The vaccine is free of charge and can be obtained from the Departement of Occupational Health.

Tetanus Vaccine
The tetanus vaccine is offered to employees who may be exposed to tetanus bacteria. Infection can be transmitted via soil, sewage and bites from humans and animals.

Other Vaccines
For more information about which vaccines may be relevant to you, please refer to our Occupational Vaccination Guidelines. Please contact your supervisor if you have any questions about vaccines in relation to your work tasks.


At OUS, all new employees (also extra shift/hourly paid) must undergo a welcome programme called ny@OUS. This is a course package consisting of compulsory courses that are relevant to your job and for you to get to know us better. Some of the courses can be completed from home, before your first working day!


After you have signed your employment contract, but no earlier than 30 days before the first working day, you will receive an e-mail with a username and information about our "ny@OUS" welcome programme.

Registration for all courses takes place in our e-learning system, Læringsportalen. In order to get the course activity registered correctly, it is important that you log in with the username you received by e-mail.

At our hospital all new employees must take part in an onboarding programme called "ny@ous" that consists of courses relevant for your work. Some courses are mandatory for all new employees at OUS, regardless of position and occupational category. There are courses that are available before you start your job. Within three months of starting, additional mandatory courses must also be completed. The courses provide a good and necessary introduction to important topics that all new employees should be aware of.

The course links below take you directly to the course once you have logged on to the Learning Portal.

Courses available before starting work :

The Learning Portal interface will be in Norwegian. Some courses are texted in English.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with BankID (automatic login on OUS PC)

For technical support, contact:

It is important that you get the following information registered in the human resource system (Personalportalen) on your first working day:

  • bank account number
  • telephone number
  • information about next of kin
  • children (with dates of birth)
  • additional employment

Your personal data must always be up to date, and this applies as long as you are employed at Oslo University Hospital.


Information about parking, prices, maps and the like can be found on our intranet pages. You can purchase an electronic parking permit via a web-based payment solution – Cale Permit – or via the Easypark app.
Parking availability via Cale Permit

Download the EasyPark app by searching for easypark on either Google Play or Appstore and follow the instructions for registering the solution (first time only).
This solution does not apply to weekend/holidays - use Cale Permit's solution for this.
Note: OUS employees pay a separate rate for parking: 30010

You will be assigned workwear to be worn at the hospital according to current guidelines if applicable. Your supervisor will provide further information and show you where your changing room is.

Your first workday includes the issuance of a personal ID card and ID photography. You will receive a form from your supervisor that you fill out and hand in at the ID office.

Remember; the card should be worn at all times. The card is personal and should never be borrowed or given out.

If you need to have access to a PC, please contact Sykehuspartner: +47 32 23 53 30 

You must provide your username and personal identity number. Your username can be found in the welcome letter you received from HR, or you can contact your supervisor.

Sist oppdatert 13.10.2023