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Work package 4

Cross-disciplinary collaborative knowledge exchange

Work Package 4 (WP 4) in the PreVio project focuses on goal 5: Establishing cross-sectoral arenas for knowledge exchange and communication.

AP4 represents an ongoing work package that persists throughout the entire project period and represents the core of the project: how to establish a functioning structure between the actors in the field, represented by our partners, which can contribute to shaping research questions based on what they need knowledge about, and ensuring that the results can be communicated back into actionable knowledge.

The project group represents the hub of the work package, and the majority of our partners' contributions will be in the form of participation and activity in regular project meetings where we discuss various topics related to violence risk and severe mental illness based on both research-based and experience-based knowledge. Through joint discussions at such meetings, research questions are concretized and can be illuminated using the data material we have. As the results become available, we will bring them into the group for discussion on how they can be disseminated and applied in the respective sectors.

To ensure both academic and practical relevance of the work, we have planned annual autumn meetings with our reference group/advisory board, which represents various disciplines and international experience with the theme.


Sist oppdatert 22.03.2024