The Aberrant Behavior Checklist in a Clinical Sample of Autistic Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Co-Occurring Mental Health Problems: Psychometric Properties, Factor Structure, and Longitudinal Measurement Invariance
Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud, Marianne Berg Halvorsen og Sissel Berge Helverschou
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders januar 2025
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Schizophrenia in autistic people with intellectual disabilities. Treatment and interventions
Trine Lise Bakken, Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Ann Magritt Solheim-Inderberg, Oddbjørn Hove & Sissel Berge Helverschou. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, februar 2024
Mental Health Services for Autistic People with Intellectual Disability: An Exploratory Study on Patient and Treatment Characteristics, and Intervention - Outcome Associations
Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud,Catherine Anne Nicole Lorentzen, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl,Kjell Ivar Øvergård & Sissel Berge Helverschou. Journal og mental health research in intellectual disabilities, januar 2024
Post-traumatic stress disorder and experiences involving violence or sexual abuse in a clinical sample of autistic adults with intellectual disabilities: Prevalence and clinical correlates
Schizophrenia in autistic people with intellectual disabilities: Symptom manifestations and identification
Trine Lise Bakken, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Linn Beate Ludvigsen, Tale Gjertine Bjørgen, Caroline Dalhaug, Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud, Oddbjørn Hove, Ann Magritt Solheim-Inderberg, Kjersti Karlsen, Sissel Berge Helverschou. Les artikkelen i
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, publisert juni 2023.
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Exploring the relationship between challenging behaviour and mental health disorder in autistic individuals with intellectual disabilities
Arvid Nkolai Kildahl, Linn Beate Ludvigsen, Oddbjørn Hove, Sissel Berge Helverschou
Norsk sammendrag: Hva er sammenhengen mellom psykisk helse og atferd som utfordrer hos personer med autisme og utviklingshemming?
Preliminary findings from a nationwide, multi-centre mental health service for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability
Helverschou, S.B., Bakken, T.L., Berge, H., Bjørgen, T.G., Botheim, H., Hellerud, J.A., Helseth, I., Hove, O., Johansen, P.A., Kildahl, A.N., Ludvigsen, L.B., Nygaard, S., Rysstad, A., Wigaard, E., & Howlin, P. (2021). Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, Volume 18, Number 2, pp 162–173, June 202. Artikkelen kan lastes ned her (open access). Les norsk sammendrag av artikkelen: Autisme: Foreløpige resultater fra to års oppfølging og behandling.
Psychometric properties of the Psychopathology in Autism Checklist (PAC)
Helverschou, Sissel Berge; Ludvigsen, Linn Beate; Hove, Oddbjørn; Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (IJDD) 2021, Apr 19;67(5):318-326. Les norsk sammendrag her: Psykometriske egenskaper ved Psychopathology in Autism Checklist (PAC).
Pathological demand avoidance in children and adolescents: A systematic review
Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Helverschou, Sissel Berge; Rysstad, Anne Langseth; Wigaard, Elisabeth; Hellerud, Jane; Ludvigsen, Linn Beate; Howlin, Patricia. Autism 2021, Nov;25(8):2162-2176. Les norsk sammendrag her: Patologisk kravunnvikelse (PDA) hos barn og ungdom.
Potentially traumatic experiences and behavioural symptoms in adults with autism and intellectual disability referred for psychiatric assessment
Arvid N. Kildahl, Sissel Berge Helverschou, NevSom og Hanne Weie Oddli, Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo. Artikkelen er åpent tilgjengelig og kan leses i sin helhet her. Les norsk sammendrag her: Potensielle traumatiske opplevelser og atferdssymptomer hos voksne med autisme og utviklingshemming.
Preliminary findings from a nationwide, multi-centre mental health service for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability.
Helverschou, S.B., Bakken, T.L., Berge, H., Bjørgen, T.G., Botheim, H., Hellerud, J.A., Helseth, I., Hove, O., Johansen, P.A., Kildahl, A.N., Ludvigsen, L.B., Nygaard, S., Rysstad, A., Wigaard, E., & Howlin, P. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. Artikkelen kan lastes ned her. Les norsk sammendrag her: AUP multisenterstudie; Foreløpige resultater fra to års oppfølging og behandling.
Case study: organizing outpatient pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder in autism, intellectual disability and Phelan-McDermid syndrome (22q13.3 deletion syndrome)
Anne Langseth Rysstad, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Jon Olav Skavhaug, Monica Stolen Dønnum & Sissel Berge Helverschou. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, juni 2020. Les hele artikkelen her.
Les norsk sammendrag her. "Behandling av bipolar lidelse hos personer med autisme og utviklingshemming".
Checklists And Structured Interviews, In: Matson, J. (ed): Handbook of dual diagnoses. Assessment and Treatment in Persons with Intellectual Disorders., pp.167-193. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Helverschou, S.B., Kildahl, A.N. & Bakken, T.L
“Driven and Tense, Stressed Out and Anxious”: Clinicians’ Perceptions of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Expressions in Adults with Autism and Intellectual Disability.
Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Sissel Berge Helverschou, Trine Lise Bakken, Hanne Weie Oddli. Mai 2020. Artikkelen er åpent tilgjengelig og kan leses i sin helhet hos Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Les norsk sammendrag her: Symptomer på post-traumatisk stresslidelse hos voksne med autisme og utviklingshemming
“If we do not look for it, we do not see it”: Clinicians' experiences and understanding of identifying post‐traumatic stress disorder in adults with autism and intellectual disability.
Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Sissel Berge Helverschou, Trine Lise Bakken, Hanne Weie Oddli. Artikkelen (på engelsk) er åpent tilgjengelig og kan leses i sin helhet ved Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Publisert april 2020. Les norsk sammendrag her: Utredning av post-traumatisk stresslidelse hos personer med autisme og utviklingshemming.
Clinicians’ retrospective perceptions of failure to detect sexual abuse in a young man with autism and mild intellectual disability
Kildahl, A.N., Helvershocu, S.B. Weie Oddli, H. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Les norsk sammendrag her.
Psychiatric assessment in congenital blindness, ASD and ID: experience from two clinical cases
Kildahl, A. N., Engebretsen, M. H., Horndalsveen, K., Hellerud, J. M. A., Wiik, J. Y., Aasen, G., & Helverschou, S. B. (2019). Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. Les norsk sammendrag her.
Identification of post-traumatic stress disorder in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability: A systematic review.
Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Kildahl, A. N., Bakken, T. L., Iversen, T. E. & Helverschou, S. B. Les norsk sammendrag av artikkelen her.
Mental health services for adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities in Norway: a descriptive study.
Bakken, Trine Lise; Evensen, Olav Ose; Bjørgen, Tale Gjertine; Nilsen, Inger Tove; Bang, Nina; Pedersen, Unni; Berge, Kim; Ellingsen, Karl Elling; Baasland, Terje; Helverschou, Sissel Berge. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2018 ;Volum 12.(3/4) s. 121-134
Psychiatric assessment in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (22q13 deletion syndrome)
Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Lars Krogh Berg, Anne Lise Enger Nilssen, Kathrine Bjørgo, Olaug Rødningen, Sissel Berge Helverschou. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Published online: 06 May 2018. Les norsk versjon av artikkelen her.
Assessment of psychosis in ASD/ID: a case study
Kildahl, Arvid Nikolai; Bakken, Trine Lise; Holm, Olaf Kristian; Helverschou, Sissel Berge. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2017; Vol 11 no 1 2017.
Personer med utviklingshemning, autisme, psykiske lidelse og atferdsvansker. På anbud.
Bakken, Trine Lise; Kalvenes, Gro; Wigaard, Elisabeth; Johansen, Per Anders; Myrbakk, Even; Nygaard, Sissel; Dønnum, Monica Stolen; Helverschou, Sissel Berge.Fontene. Et tidsskrift for Fellesorganisasjonen (FO) 2013;Volum 1. s. 48-54
Mental illness in people with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders
Bakken, T. L., Helverschou, S.B., Høidal, S.H., Martinsen, H. (2016). (Chapter 11). In: Colin Hemmings and Nick Bouras (eds.) Psychiatric and Behavioural Disorders in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, third edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016 isbn: 9781107645943
Helverschou, S.B., Bakken, T. & Martinsen, H. (2011). Psychiatric disorders in people with Autism spectrum disorders: Phenomenology and recognition. (Chapter 5), (p. 53-74), In J. L. Matson & P. Sturmey (Eds.), International handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders. New York: Springer.