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Vitenskapelige artikler fra NevSom

NevSoms ansatte publiserer artikler om våre diagnoser, ofte i samarbeid med andre fagmiljøer både fra Norge og utlandet. Her finner du en oversikt over artikler der NevSoms ansatte har vært involvert i, samt retningslinjer og rapporter.


The Aberrant Behavior Checklist in a Clinical Sample of Autistic
Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Co-Occurring Mental
Health Problems: Psychometric Properties, Factor Structure, and
Longitudinal Measurement Invariance. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Januar 2025.

Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud, Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Sissel Berge Helverschou. 

Les norsk sammendrag av artikkelen her.


Applicability and Psychometric Properties of General Mental Health Assessment Tools in Autistic People: A Systematic Review. Publisert i Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders  Article. April 2024. Publisert som open access, les artikkelen her.  Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Sabine Kaiser, Brynhildur Axelsdottir, Michael G. Aman og Sissel Berge Helverschou. Les norsk sammendrag her.

Schizophrenia in autistic people with intellectual disabilities. Treatment and interventions
Trine Lise Bakken, Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Ann Magritt Solheim-Inderberg, Oddbjørn Hove & Sissel Berge Helverschou. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, februar 2024.

Mental Health Services for Autistic People with Intellectual Disability: An Exploratory Study on Patient and Treatment Characteristics, and Intervention - Outcome Associations

Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud,Catherine Anne Nicole Lorentzen, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl,Kjell Ivar Øvergård & Sissel Berge Helverschou. Journal og mental health research in intellectual disabilities, januar 2024


Post-traumatic stress disorder and experiences involving violence or sexual abuse in a clinical sample of autistic adults with intellectual disabilities: Prevalence and clinical correlates
Arvid Nikolai Kildahl og Sissel Berge Helverschou. Publisert august 2023 i Autism.

Schizophrenia in autistic people with intellectual disabilities: Symptom manifestations and identification.
Trine Lise Bakken, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Linn Beate Ludvigsen, Tale Gjertine Bjørgen, Caroline Dalhaug, Jane Margrete Askeland Hellerud, Oddbjørn Hove, Ann Magritt Solheim-Inderberg, Kjersti Karlsen, Sissel Berge Helverschou. Les artikkelen i Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities​, publisert juni 2023.​​​ Les norsk sammendrag av artikkelen her​.


Arvid Nkolai Kildahl, Linn Beate Ludvigsen, Oddbjørn Hove, Sissel Berge Helverschou
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, vol 124 2023. Les artikkelen i sin helhet her.




Validering av den norske foreldreversjonen av Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC-P). Sentrale måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Developmental Behavior Checklist – Parent (DBC-P). Om måleverktøyet som er utviklet for å kartlegge psykisk lidelse hos barn og unge med utviklingsforstyrrelser. Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Sabine Kaiser, Ida Lyngaard Hansen, Ida Rakel Blichfeldt Sandal, Sissel Berge Helverschou.  Publisert i Psykologitidsskriftet november 2022.


​Autisme eller autismer? 
Kristin Andersen Bakke: Lederartikkel i Tidsskriftet for Den norske legeforening som beskriver modeller for hvordan man kan forstå årsaker til autisme. Mars 2022. Les artikkelen på her.


Pathological demand avoidance in children and adolescents: A systematic review. 
Publisert i Autism, juli 2021. Den er åpent tilgjengelig (på engelsk) og kan leses i sin helhet på​ Les norsk sammendrag av artikkelen her: Patologisk kravunnvikelse (PDA) hos barn og ungdom.

Psychometric properties of the Psychopathology in Autism Checklist (PAC)
​International Journal of Develop​mental Disabilities. Forfatterne av artikkelen samarbeider I AUP-nettverket:  Sissel Berge Helverschou, Linn Beate Ludvigsen, Oddbjørn Hove, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl. Les norsk sammendrag her: Psykometriske egenskaper ved Psychopathology in Autism Checklist (PAC)

The role of context in language development for children with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in Psychology. 2020 Dec. 23. Sánchez Pérez P, Nordahl-Hansen A, Kaale A. Norsk sammendrag: Språk hos små barn med autismespekterforstyrrelse: forskjellig hjemme og i barnehagen?

Structural and Pragmatic Language Impairments in Children Evaluated for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)​. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-020-04853-1. Reindal, L., Nærland, T., Weidle, B., Lydersen, S., Andreassen, O. A., & Sund, A. M.


Case study: identification of anxiety and subsequent intervention in an adolescent male with autism, severe intellectual disability and self-injurious behaviour. Studien er åpent tilgjengelig og kan leses i sin helhet (på engelsk) i International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. Les norsk sammendrag her: Angstlidelse hos en ungdom med autisme, alvorlig utviklingshemming og selvskadende atferd. Arvid Nikolai Kildahl (PUA, NevSom), Trine Lise Bakken (PUA, NKUP), Espen A. W. Matre (PUA), Jane Hellerud (PUA), Maria Hagen Engebretsen (PUA) og Sissel Berge Helverschou (NevSom).​

Potentially traumatic experiences and behavioural symptoms in adults with autism and intellectual disability referred for psychiatric assessment. Arvid N. Kildahl, Sissel Berge Helverschou, NevSom og Hanne Weie Oddli, Psykologisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo. Artikkelen er åpent tilgjengelig og kan leses i sin helhet her. Les norsk sammendrag her: Potensielle traumatiske opplevelser og atferdssymptomer hos voksne med autisme og utviklingshemming.

​​​​Preliminary findings from a nationwide, multi-centre mental health service for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability. Helverschou, S.B., Bakken, T.L., Berge, H., Bjørgen, T.G., Botheim, H., Hellerud, J.A., Helseth, I., Hove, O., Johansen, P.A., Kildahl, A.N., Ludvigsen, L.B., Nygaard, S., Rysstad, A., Wigaard, E., & Howlin, P.  Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. Artikkelen kan lastes ned her. Les norsk sammendrag her: AUP multisenterstudie; Foreløpige resultater fra to års oppfølging og behandling.

​“Driven and Tense, Stressed Out and Anxious”: Clinicians’ Perceptions of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Expressions in Adults with Autism and Intellectual Disability.​​​ ​​Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Sissel Berge Helverschou, Trine Lise Bakken, Hanne Weie Oddli. Mai 2020. Artikkelen er åpent tilgjengelig og kan leses i sin helhet hos Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Les norsk sammendrag her:  Symptomer på post-traumatisk stresslidelse hos voksne med autisme og utviklingshemming

“If we do not l​​​ook for it, we do not see it”: Clinicians' experiences and understanding of identifying post‐traumatic stress disorder in adults with autism and intellectual disability. Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Sissel Berge Helverschou, Trine Lise Bakken, Hanne Weie Oddli. Artikkelen (på engelsk) er åpent tilgjengelig og kan leses i sin helhet ved Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Publisert april 2020. Les norsk sammendrag her: Utredning av post-traumatisk stresslidelse hos personer med autisme og utviklingshemming.

Halvorsen, M. & Helverschou, S.B. (2020). Artikkelen er publisert og åpent tilgjengelig i PsykTestBarn.

Identifisering av psykiske helse vansker hos person​​er med autismespekterforstyrrelser og psykisk utviklingshemming. Sissel Berge Helverschou og Marianne Halvorsen, Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, Vol. 57, nummer 3, 2020, side 180-189. Les artikkelen på tidsskriftets nettside.


Clinicians’ retrospective perceptions of failure to detect sexual abuse in a young man with autism and mild​​​ intellectual disability. Kildahl, A.N.,  Helvershocu, S.B.  Weie Oddli, H. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Les norsk sammendrag her.

Psychiatric assessm​​ent in congenital blindness, ASD and ID: experience from two clinical cases. Kildahl, A. N., Engebretsen, M. H., Horndalsveen, K., Hellerud, J. M. A., Wiik, J. Y., Aasen, G., & Helverschou, S. B. (2019). Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. Les norsk sammendrag her.

Age of First Walking and Associations with Symptom Severity in Children with Suspected or Diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disor​​​der. Reindal L, Nærland T, Weidle B, Lydersen S, Andreassen OA, Sund AM. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2019. Les norsk sammendrag her.

Treatment of patients with co-occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance Use Disorder: an explorato​​ry clinical study. Sissel Berge Helverschou, Anette Ræder Brunvold & Espen Ajo Arnevik (2019).  Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 13:1-10.

Attachment Disorder in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability.  Kildahl, A. N., Engebretsen, M. H. & Helverschou, S. B. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. Les norsk sammendrag her.


Identification of post-traumatic stress disorder in individuals with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability: A system​​atic review. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Kildahl, A. N., Bakken, T. L., Iversen, T. E. & Helverschou, S. B. Les norsk sammendrag av artikkelen her.

Identification of common genetic risk variants for autism spec​​​trum disorder. Nature Genetics volume 51, pages 431–444. Les om artikkelen på norsk her.


Mental health se​​rvices for adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities in Norway: a descriptive study. Bakken, Trine Lise; Evensen, Olav Ose; Bjørgen, Tale Gjertine; Nilsen, Inger Tove; Bang, Nina; Pedersen, Unni; Berge, Kim; Ellingsen, Karl Elling; Baasland, Terje; Helverschou, Sissel Berge.  Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities 2018 ; Volum 12.(3/4) s. 121-134


Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of The Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). Halvorsen, M. & Helverschou, S. B. PsykTestBarn, 1:5. Publisert: 27.06.2017.

Event-related pote​ntials in a cued Go-NoGo task associated with executive functions in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder; a case-control study. Anne Lise Høyland, Geir Øgrim, Stian Lydersen, Sigrun Hope, Morten Engstrom, Tonje Torske, Terje Nærland, and Ole A. Andreassen. Frontiers in Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnins. 2017. 00393. Les artikkelen på

Assessment of psychosis in ASD/ID: a ​​case study. Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Trine Lise Bakken, Olaf Kristian Holm og Sissel Berge Helverschou. Advandces in mental health and intellectual disabilities. Vol 11 no 1 2017.Doi: 10.1108/AMHID-11-2016-0036.

Dose-dependent social-cognitive effects of intranasal oxytocin delivered with novel Breath Powered device in adult​​​s with autism spectrum disorder: a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind crossover trial. Quintana DS, Westlye LT, Hope S, Nærland T, Elvsåshagen T, Dørum E, Rustan Ø, Valstad M, Rezvaya L, Lishaugen H, Stensønes E, Yaqub S, Smerud KT, Mahmoud RA, Djupesland PG, Andreassen OA. Translational Psychiatry. 2017 May 23;7(5):e1136. doi: 10.1038/tp.2017.103.

Parents’ Attitudes toward Clinical Genetic T​esting for Autism Spectrum Disorder—Data from a Norwegian Sample. Jarle Johannessen, Terje Nærland, Sigrun Hope, Tonje Torske, Anne Lise Høyland, Jana Strohmaier, Arvid Heiberg, Marcella Rietschel, Srdjan Djurovic and Ole A. Andreassen. International Journal of Molecular Sciences — Open Access Journal. 2017, 18(5), 1078; doi:10.3390/ijms18051078

Personal Experiences of the criminal Justice System by Individuals with Autism Spectrum disor​​​ders. Sissel Berge Helverschou, Kari Steindal, Jim Aage Nøttestad og Patricia Howlin,  Autism, International Journal of Research and Practice. DOI: 10.1177/1362361316685554 | First Published March 22, 2017. Les norsk sammendrag her.

Asperger syndrom​ i rettsvesenet. Helverschou, S.B., Steindal, K., Søndenaa, E. og Rasmussen, K. (2017). Faglig innspill i Psykologi, TNPF, vol, 54, nr. 3, s. 302–304.

The relation between face-emotion recognition and social function in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: A case contr​​ol study. Høyland, Anne Lise; Nærland, Terje; Engstrøm, Morten; Lydersen, Stian; Andreassen, Ole Andreas. PLoS ONE. 2017, 12 (10), 1-16.

Changes in the frequency and characteristics of children diagnosed with autistic disorder in tw​​o Norwegian cohorts: 1992 and 2009. Sidsel Romhus, Gyro Aas Herder, Elisabeth Grindheim, Synnve Schjølberg, Patricia Howlin. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. Vol. 5(1):(2017)


Mental illness in people with intellectual disabilities and a​​utism spectrum disorders. Bakken, T. L., Helverschou, S.B., Høidal, S.H., Martinsen, H. (Chapter 11). In: Colin Hemmings and Nick Bouras (eds.) Psychiatric and Behavioural Disorders in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, third edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016 isbn: 9781107645943

Attitudes of the autism community to earl​​​y autism research. Fletcher-Watson, S. Apicella, F., Auyeung, B., Bedia, R. C., … Kaale, A., …. Yirmiya, N. (2016) Autism.3, 1-14.

Relations between specific and global o​​​utcome measures in a social-communication intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Nordahl-Hansen, A., Fletcher-Watson, S., McConachie, H., & Kaale, A. (Accepted May 2016) Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.​

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-o​​​ccurring Substance Use Disorder – A Systematic Review. Sissel Berge Helverschou,  Espen Sjo Arnevik. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2016:10 69-75. Artikkelen kan lastes ned på

Figurative language comprehen​sion in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analytic review. Kalandadze T, Norbury C, Nærland T, Næss KB. Autism. 2016 Nov 1:1362361316668652. PMID:27899711 

Parents' attitudes toward genetic​​ research in autism spectrum disorder. Johannessen J, Nærland T, Bloss C, Rietschel M, Strohmaier J, Gjevik E, Heiberg A, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA.Psyciatr Genet 2016 Apr;26(2):74-80.  (PMID: 26867185) 

Attitudes of the autism community t​o early autism research. Fletcher-Watson S, Apicella F, Auyeung B, Beranova S, Bonnet-Brilhault F, Canal-Bedia R, Charman T, Chericoni N, Conceição IC, Davies K, Farroni T, Gomot M, Jones E, Kaale A, Kapica K, Kawa R, Kylliäinen A, Larsen K, Lefort-Besnard J, Malvy J, Manso de Dios S, Markovska-Simoska S, Millo I, Miranda N, Pasco G, Pisula E, Raleva M, Rogé B, Salomone E, Schjolberg S, Tomalski P, Vicente AM, Yirmiya N. Autism, mars 2016. (PMID: 26975669). 

Use of early intervention for y​oung children with autism spectrum disorder across Europe.​​ Salomone E, Beranová Š, Bonnet-Brilhault F, Briciet Lauritsen M, Budisteanu M, Buitelaar J, Canal-Bedia R, Felhosi G, Fletcher-Watson S, Freitag C, Fuentes J, Gallagher L, Garcia Primo P, Gliga F, Gomot M, Green J, Heimann M, Jónsdóttir SL, Kaale A, Kawa R, Kylliainen A, Lemcke S, Markovska-Simoska S, Marschik PB, McConachie H, Moilanen I, Muratori F, Narzisi A, Noterdaeme M, Oliveira G, Oosterling I, Pijl M, Pop-Jordanova N, Poustka L, Roeyers H, Rogé B, Sinzig J, Vicente A, Warreyn P, Charman T. Autism. 2016 Feb;20(2):233-49. doi: 10.1177/1362361315577218.​


Offending profiles of individuals with ASD; a study of all individuals with ASD examined by the expert forensic psychiatric service in​​ Norway between 2000 and 2010. Helverschou, S.B., Rasmussen, K., Steindal, K., Søndanaa, E., Nilsson, B., Nøttestad, J. A. (2015)..Autism, Special Issue Article, Vol. 19 (7), 850-858.

Use of early intervention for young childre​​​n with autism spectrum disorder across Europe. Salomone, E., Beranová, Š., Bonnet-Brilhault, F., … Kaale, A., … &Charman, T. (2015)  Autism, 4, 1-7.

Prevalence and Correlates of ​Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Europe. Salomone, E., Charman, T., McConachie, H., Warreyn, P. & Working Group 4, COST Action ‘Enhancing the Scientific Study of Early Autism* (2015) European Journal of Pediatrics, 174, 1277-1285.​


Violence and sexual offending b​ehavior in people with autism spectrum disorder who have undergone a psychiatric forensic examination. Søndenaa E, Helverschou SB, Steindal K, Rasmussen K, Nilson B, Nøttestad JA. Psychol Rep. 2014 Aug;115(1):32-43. PMID:25073065

Enhancing activity​ by means of tactile symbols: a study of a heterogeneous group of pupils with congenital blindness, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Aasen G, Nærland T. J Intellect Disabil. 2014 Mar;18(1):61-75. PMID:24591428

Rettspsykiatrisk undersøkte med autismespekterdiagnoser: Alder ved identifisering og diagnostis​k historie. Helverschou, S. B., Søndenaa, E., Steindal, K., Rasmussen, K., Nilsson, B., Nøttestad, J. A. Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening, 51, 282 – 285. 

Observing the use of tact​ile schedules. Taktile planer for blinde med autisme. Aasen G, Naerland T. J Intellect Disabil. 2014 Dec;18(4):315-36. PMID:25061073


The challenges of applying and assessing cognitive behavioural therapy for individuals on the autism spectrum in a clinical setting: a cas​​e study series. Sissel Berge Helverschou, Kristin Utgaard and Per Christian Wandaas. Good Autism Practice, 14, 1, 17 – 27, 2013.​


Anxiety in people diagnosed with autism and intellectual disability: Recognition and phenomenology​​. Helverschou, S.B. & Martinsen, H. (2011). Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5, 377-387.

Psychiatric dis​​​​orders in people with Autism spectrum disorders: Phenomenology and recognition. Helverschou, S.B., Bakken, T. & Martinsen, H. (2011). (Chapter 5), (p. 53-74), In J. L. Matson & P. Sturmey (Eds.), International handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorders. New York: Springer.


Psychiatric disorders in adolescent​s and adults with autism and intellectual disability: a representative study in one county in Norway. Bakken TL, Helverschou SB, Eilertsen DE, Heggelund T, Myrbakk E, Martinsen H. Res Dev Disabil. 2010 Nov-Dec;31(6):1669-77.  PMID:20493660​


The Psychopathology in Autism​​ Checklist (PAC): a pilot study. Helverschou, S.B., Bakken, T.L., og Martinsen, H. (2009). Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3, 179 – 195.​


Identifying symptoms of psychiatric disorders in ​​people with autism and intellectual disability: An empirical conceptual analysis. Helverschou, S. B., Bakken, T. L. & Martinsen, H. (2008).  Mental Health Aspects of Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 11 – No. 4, 105 – 115.​

Cortical thickness and sub-cortical volumes in post-H1N1 narcolepsy type 1: A brain-wide MRI case-control study
Hilde T Juvodden, Dag Alnæs, Ingrid Agartz, Ole A Andreassen, Andres Server, Per M Thorsby, Lars T Westlye, Stine Knudsen-Heier
Sleep Med februar 2024 


Larger hypothalamic volume in narcolepsy type 1
Hilde T Juvodden, Dag Alnæs, Martina J Lund, Ingrid Agartz, Ole A Andreassen, Andres Server, Per M Thorsby, Lars T Westlye, Stine Knudsen Heier. ​Sleep, July 2023​.  Les norsk sammendrag av artikkelen her: Større volum av hypothalamus i hjernen hos pasienter med narkolepsi type 1
Associations between psychiatric comorbid disorders and executive dysfunctions in hypocretin-1 deficient pediatric narcolepsy type1 
​Berit Hjelde Hansen, Hilde Norsted Andresen, Jonas Gjesvik, Per M. Thorsby, Terje Naerland, Stine Knudsen-Heier. Sleep Medicine, volume 109, september 2023. Psykiatrisk komorbiditet (samsykelighet) og eksekutive vansker hos barn og unge med narkolepsi type 1

Increased muscle activity during sleep and more RBD symptoms in H1N1-(Pandemrix)-vaccinated narcolepsy type 1 patients compared with their non-narcoleptic siblings 
Rannveig Viste, Louise F Follin, Birgitte R Kornum, Benedicte A Lie, Marte K Viken, Per M Thorsby, Terje Rootwelt, Julie A E Christensen, Stine Knudsen-Heier 


Narcolepsy type 1 patients​ have lower levels of effector memory CD4 + T cells compared to their siblings when controlling for H1N1-(Pandemrix™)-vaccination and HLA DQB1∗06:02 status. Rannveig Viste, Benedicte A Lie, Marte K Viken, Terje Rootwelt, Stine Knudsen-Heier, Birgitte R Kornum. Sleep med 2021 Sep;85:271-27.

High nocturnal sleep fra​​​gmentation is associated with low T lymphocyte P2Y11 protein levels in narcolepsy type 1. Rannveig Viste, Marte K Viken, Benedicte A Lie, Hilde T Juvodden, Sebjørg E H Nordstrand, Per M Thorsby, Terje Rootwelt, Birgitte R Kornum, Stine Knudsen-Heier. Sleep 2021, March. 


High prevalence of ADHD symptoms in unmedicated youths with post-H1N1 narcol​​​epsy type 1. Berit Hjelde Hansen, Hilde T. Juvodden, Sebjørg Hesla Nordstrand, Rannveig Viste, Per M. Thorsby, David Swanson, Kristian B. Nilsen, Terje Nærland, Stine Knudsen-Heier. Publisert i Sleep Medicine juni 2020.​

Obe​​​sity and other medical comorbidities among NT1 patients after the Norwegian H1N1 influenza epidemic and vaccination campaign. Sebjørg E H Nordstrand, Hilde T Juvodden, Rannveig Viste, Terje Rootwelt, Tor-Ivar Karlsen, Per M Thorsby, David Swanson, Kristian Bernhard Nilsen, Berit H Hansen, Stine Knudsen-Heier. Sleep, Volume 43, Issue 5, May 2020.  Les norsk sammendrag her: Overvekt/fedme og andre følgetilstander ved narkolepsi.


HLA and sleep parameter associations in post-H1N1 narcolepsy type 1 patients and first-degree relatives. ​​Hilde T Juvodden, Marte K Viken, Sebjørg E H Nordstrand, Rannveig Viste,Lars T Westlye, Per M Thorsby, Benedicte A Lie, Stine Knudsen-Heier. Sleep, October 2019 . Norsk sammendrag: Genetiske risikofaktorer for narkolepsipasienter etter svineinfluensa-vaksineringen

Hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy patients hav​​​e abnormal brain activation during humor processing. Juvodden HT, Alnæs D, Lund MJ,4, Dietrichs E, Thorsby PM, Westlye LT, Knudsen S. Sleep. 2019 Jul. Norsk sammendrag: Annerledes hjerneaktivering hos narkolepsipasienter i humor-eksperiment

Psychiatric symptoms in pat​​ients with post-H1N1 narcolepsy type 1 in Norway. Hesla Nordstrand S.E, Hansen BH, Rootwelt, Karlsen T.I., Swanson D., Nilsen K.B., Knudsen S. Sleep.2019. Jan 12. (PMID: 30649483). Les hele artikkelen her . Norsk sammendrag: Psykiatriske symptomer hos pasienter med narkolepsi

CD8+ T cells from patients with narcolepsy and healthy controls recogn​​ize hypocretin neuron-specific antigens. Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 837 (2019). 


Changes in quality of life in individuals with narcolepsy type 1 a​​fter the H1N1-influenza epidemic and vaccination campaign in Norway: a two-year prospective cohort study. Nordstrand SH, Hansen BH, Kamaleri Y, Nilsen KB, Rootwelt T, Karlsen TI, Knudsen S. Sleep Medicine. 2018 June. Norsk sammendrag: Endring i livskvalitet hos pasienter med narkolepsi

Widespread white matter changes in post-H1N1 narcolepsy type 1 patients and 1st degree relatives. Juvodden, H. T., Alnæs, D., Lund, M. J., Agartz, I., Andreassen, O. A., Dietrichs, E., Thorsby, P. M., Westlye, L. T., Knudsen, S. Sleep 2018 July 2017.  Norsk sammendrag: Utbredte forandringer i hjernens ledningsnett hos svineinfluensa-vaksinerte narkolepsipasienter.


Long-term improvement after combined immunomodulation in early post-H1N1 vaccination narcoleps​​y. Viste, R., Soosai, J., Vikin, T., Thorsby, P. M., Nilsen, K. B., Knudsen, S. Neurology Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation. 2017.  Norsk sammendrag: Tidlig behandling av to gutter med narkolepsi.

Na​​​rcolepsy. Kornum, B. R., Knudsen, S., Ollila, H. M., Pizza, F., Jennum, P. J., Dauvilliers, Y., Overeem, S. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2017 Feb.


Normal Morning MCH Levels and No Association​ with REM or NREM Sleep Parameters in Narcolepsy Type 1 and Type 2. Schrölkamp M, Jennum PJ, Gammeltoft S, Holm A, Kornum BR, Knudsen S. J Clin Sleep Med. 2016 Nov 14. pii: jc-00266-16. PMID: 27855741

Monozygotic twin​​​s discordant for narcolepsy type 1 and multiple sclerosis. Jennum PJ, Kornum BR, Issa NM, Gammeltoft S, Tommerup N, Morling N, Tümer Z, Knudsen S. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. (2016 Jun 16;3(4):e249.)​


Cerebrospinal fluid cytocine l​​evels in type 1 narcolepsy very close to onset. Kornum, B. R., Pizza, F., Knudsen, S. et al.  Brain Behav. Immun. 2015; 49:54-58.​

H​​​​​LA-DPB1 and HLA class 1 confer risk and protection for narcolepsy. Ollila H HM, Ravel JM, Han F, Faraco J, Lin L, Zheng X, Plazzi G, Dauvilliers Y, Pizza F, Hong SC, Jennum P, Knudsen S et al.  Am J Hum Genetics 2015;96(1):136-46​

Reduced Hypocretin-1 levels are associated with cluster hea​​dache. Borloese, M., Jennum, P., Lund, N., Knudsen, S. et al.  Cephalalgia 2015; 35(10):869-75.​


MiRNA profiles in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with central hypersom​​​​nias. Holm A, Bang-Berthelsen, C. H., Knudsen, S., ​​Modvig, S., Kornum, B. R., Gammeltoft, S., Jennum PJ.  J. Neurol Sci. 2014 Dec 15;347(1-2):199-204. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2014.09.047. PMID: 25451005​

Sleep-wak​​e transition in narcolepsy and healthy controls using a support vector machine. Jensen, J. B., Sorensen, H. B., Kempfner, J., Sørensen, G. L., Knudsen, S., Jennum, P. J. Clin Neurophysiol. 2014 Oct;31(5):397-401. doi: 10.1097/WNP.0000000000000074. PMID: 25271675​

HLA DQB1*06:02 negat​​ive narcolepsy with hypocretin/orexin deficiency. Han F, Lin L, Schormair B, Pizza F, Plazzi G, Ollila HM, Nevsimalova S, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Winkelmann J, Coquillard C, Babrzadeh F, Strom TM, Wang C, Mindrinos M, Fernandez Vina M, Mignot E. Sleep. 2014 Oct 1;37(10):1601-8. doi: 10.5665/sleep.4066. PMID: 25197808 Free PMC Article

miRNA profiles in plasma from patients with slee​p disorders reveal dysregulation of miRNAs in narcolepsy and other central hypersomnias. Holm, A., Bang-Berthelsen, C. H., Knudsen, S., Kornum, B. R., Modvig, S., Jennum, P., Gammeltoft, S. Sleep. 2014 Sep. 1;37(9):1525-33. doi: 10.5665/sleep.4004. PMID: 25142559. Free PMC Article​

Norwegian H1​​​N1-vaccinated Kleine-Levin syndrome and idiopathic hypersomnia cases – is narcolepsy the only CNS hypersomnia occurring after pandemrix? Nordstrand, S H; Bronder, K. H.; Hesla, P. E.; Midtlyng, E.; Knudsen, S.; Journal Of Sleep Research, 2014 Sep., Vol. 23 Suppl. 1, pp. 293-293


Incidence of narcolepsy in N​​​orwegian children and adolescents after vaccination against H1N1 influenza A. Heier, M.S. ; Gautvik, K.M. ; Wannag, E. ; Bronder, K.H. ; Midtlyng, E. ; Kamaleri, Y. ; Storsaeter, J. Sleep Medicine, September 2013, Vol.14(9), pp.867-871

Sleep transitions in hypocretin-deficient narcolepsy.​​​ Sorensen GL, Knudsen S, Jennum P. Sleep. 2013 Aug 1;36(8):1173-7. doi: 10.5665/sleep.2880. PMID: 23904677.  Free PMC Article

Ny kunnskap om nark​​​olepsi hos barn. Heier MS, Gjerstad MD, Knudsen S. Tidsskriftet Norsk Laegeforening. 2013.

Comorbidity and m​​​ortality of narcolepsy: a controlled retro- and prospective national study. Jennum P, Ibsen R, Knudsen S, Kjellberg J. Sleep. 2013 Jun 1;36(6):835-40. doi: 10.5665/sleep.2706. PMID: 23729926. Free PMC Article

The association between narcolepsy and H1N1 influenza​​. Kornum BR, Knudsen S, Gammeltoft S, Jennum P. Ugeskr Laeger. 2013 Mar 18;175(12):815. Danish. No abstract available. PMID: 23582821.

Increased serum brain-derive​​​d neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in patients with narcolepsy. Klein AB, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Gammeltoft S, Mikkelsen JD. Neurosci Lett. 2013 Jun 7;544:31-5. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2013.03.031. PMID: 23570723

Clinical, polysomnographic and genome-wide association analyses of narcolepsy with cataplexy: a European Narcolepsy ​​Network study. Luca G, Haba-Rubio J, Dauvilliers Y, Lammers GJ, Overeem S, Donjacour CE, Mayer G, Javidi S, Iranzo A, Santamaria J, Peraita-Adrados R, Hor H, Kutalik Z, Plazzi G, Poli F, Pizza F, Arnulf I, Lecendreux M, Bassetti C, Mathis J, Heinzer R, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Geisler P, Wierzbicka A, Feketeova E, Pfister C, Khatami R, Baumann C, Tafti M; European Narcolepsy Network. J Sleep Res. 2013 Oct;22(5):482-95. doi: 10.1111/jsr.12044. PMID: 23496005 Free Article​

Hypocretin deficiency develops during onset of human narcolepsy ​with cataplexy. Savvidou A, Knudsen S, Olsson-Engman M, Gammeltoft S, Jennum P, Palm L. Sleep. 2013 Jan 1;36(1):147-8. doi: 10.5665/sleep.2320. PMID: 23288981. Free PMC Article​

Attenuate​d heart rate response is associated with hypocretin deficiency in patients with narcolepsy. Sorensen GL, Knudsen S, Petersen ER, Kempfner J, Gammeltoft S, Sorensen HB, Jennum P. Sleep. 2013 Jan 1;36(1):91-8. doi: 10.5665/sleep.2308. PMID: 23288975. Free PMC Article​


Narcolepsy in Norw​​egian children and adolescents after Pandemrix (R) vaccination. Heier, MS ; Gautvik, K ; Wannag, E ; Bronder, Kh ; Midtlyng, E ; Kamaleri, Y ; Storsaether, J; Journal Of Sleep Research, 2012 Sep., Vol. 21 Suppl 1, pp. 30-30​

Predictors of hypocretin (orexin) deficiency in narcolep​​​sy without cataplexy. Andlauer O, Moore H 4th, Hong SC, Dauvilliers Y, Kanbayashi T, Nishino S, Han F, Silber MH, Rico T, Einen M, Kornum BR, Jennum P, Knudsen S, Nevsimalova S, Poli F, Plazzi G, Mignot E. Sleep. 2012 Sep 1;35(9):1247-55F. doi: 10.5665/sleep.2080. PMID: 22942503. Free PMC Article​

Health, social, and economic​ consequences of narcolepsy: a controlled national study evaluating the societal effect on patients and their partners. Jennum P, Ibsen R, Petersen ER, Knudsen S, Kjellberg J.Sleep Med. 2012 Sep;13(8):1086-93. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2012.06.006. Erratum in: Sleep Med. 2013 Oct;14(10):1039-40. PMID: 22841027


Persontilpasset medisin ved utviklingsforstyrrelser

Kristin Andersen Bakke, Sissel Berge Helverschou, Torild Skrivarhaug, Sofia Douzgou Houge, Asbjørg Stray-Pedersen. Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening, nr 13 2023.


Validering av den norske foreldreversjonen av Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC-P)Sentrale måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Developmental Behavior Checklist – Parent (DBC-P). Om måleverktøyet som er utviklet for å kartlegge psykisk lidelse hos barn og unge med utviklingsforstyrrelser. Les den her.​

Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Sabine Kaiser, Ida Lyngaard Hansen, Ida Rakel Blichfeldt Sandal, Sissel Berge Helverschou.  Publisert i Psykologitidsskriftet november 2022.

General Measurement Tools for Assessing Mental Health Proble​​​ms Among Children and Adolescents with an Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review. Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Sissel Berge Helverschou, Brynhildur Axelsdottir, Per Håkan Brøndbo, Monica Martinussen. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Les norsk sammendrag her: Standardiserte skjemaer for å finne psykiske vansker hos barn med intellektuell funksjonsnedsettelse.


Hyperactive behaviour ​​in Angelman syndrome: the association with sleep problems and age of epilepsy onset. Kristin A Bakke , Patricia Howlin, Sissel Berge Helverschou. J Intellect Disabil Res2021, May. Les norsk sammendrag her: Er det sant at personer med Angelman trenger mindre søvn enn andre?


Case study: organizing outpatient pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder in autism, intellectual disability and Phelan-McDermid syndrome (22q13.3 deletion syndrome). Anne Langseth Rysstad, Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Jon Olav Skavhaug, Monica Stolen Dønnum & Sissel Berge Helverschou. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, juni 2020. Les hele artikkelen her. Les norsk sammendrag her. "Behandling av bipolar lidelse hos personer med autisme og utviklingshemming".


Psychiatric assessm​​ent in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (22q13 deletion syndrome). Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Lars Krogh Berg,  Anne Lise Enger Nilssen,  Kathrine Bjørgo,  Olaug Rødningen,  Sissel Berge Helverschou. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. Published online: 06 May 2018. Les norsk versjon av artikkelen her.

Effect of epilepsy on autism symptoms in Angel​man syndrome. Epilepsi kan føre til mer autismesymptomer. Epilepsi kan påvirke hjernens utvikling og føre til mer autismesymptomer. Artikkelen beskriver en studie av personer med Angelmans syndrom hvor sammenhengen mellom epilepsi og autismesymptomer ble undersøkt. Artikkelen er publisert som open accsess, og kan lastes ned her: Effect of epilepsy on autism symptoms in Angelman syndrome Kristin A. Bakke, Patricia Howlin, Lars Retterstøl, Øivind J. Kanavin, Arvid Heiberg og Terje Nærland. Se norsk tekst om artikkelen her.


Age and gender-related differences in emotional and behavioural problems and autistic features in children and adolescents with Down syndrome: a survey-based study of 674 individuals. Naerland T, Bakke KA, Storvik S, Warner G, Howlin P. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2016 Nov. 13. doi: 10.1111/jir.12342.


Bias in assessment of co-occurring mental disorder in individuals with intellectual disabilities: Theoretical perspectives and implications for clinical practice 

Arvid Nikolai Kildahl, Hanne Weie Oddli og Sissel Berge Helverschou. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. Les norsk sammendrag: ​​​Systematiske feilkilder i utredning av psykisk lidelse hos pasienter med utviklingshemming.​​


Quality o​​f life in substance use disorder patients with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 12 months after treatment: a naturalistic follow-up study.

Flores-García, L; Lensing, MB; Ytterstad, E; Eisemann, M. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord, 2019. PMID: 30903585


Unødvendig polarisert debatt​Kristin Andersen Bakke, Egil Midtlyng. Tidsskriftet for den norske legeforening, mars 2018. Doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.18.0186​​

Svakt vitenskapelig grunnlag for kritikk av AD/HD-medisinering. Øgrim, G; Lensing, MB; Fredriksen, M. Tidsskr. Nor. Laegeforen., 2018 vol. 138(6). PMID: 29557125

Neurodevelopmental disorders: prevalence and c​​omorbidity in children referred to mental health services. Berit Hjelde Hansen, Beate Oerbeck, Benedicte Skirbekk, Beáta Éva Petrovski & Hanne Kristensen. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2018, 72:4, 285-291.​


Exploring Personality and Readiness to Change in Patients With Substance Use Disorders With and Without ADHD. Flores-García L, Ytterstad E, Lensing MB, Eisemann M.J Atten Disord. 2016 Nov 19. pii: 1087054716677819. PMID: 27866153

​​Optimal management of ADHD in older adults. Torgersen T, Gjervan B, Lensing MB, Rasmussen K. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Jan 8;12:79-87. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S59271. Review. PMID: 26811680. Free PMC Article


Psychopharmacological treatment of ADHD in adults aged 50+: an empirical study. Lensing MB, Zeiner P, Sandvik L, Opjordsmoen S (2015)  J Atten Dis, 19(5):380-9.PMID: 24681898

Quality of life in adults aged 50+ with ADHD. Lensing MB, Zeiner P, Sandvik L, Opjordsmoen S (2015)J Atten Dis, 19(5):405-13. PMID: 23514676


Ny retningslinje for Tourettes syndrom (

Kristin Andersen Bakke, Liv Irene Nøstvik, Heike Eichele​​​​. Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening ( 13.05.22. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.22.0119


Kunnskapsbasert retningslinje Tourettes syndrom. (

Målsetting har vært å gjøre kunnskapen om TS og andre ticstilstander lettere tilgjengelig for fagpersoner i helsetjenesten, pasienter, pårørende og andre som kommer i kontakt med personer med TS. Retningslinjens anbefalinger omhandler helsetjenester.

Kristin A Bakke, Morten Bekk, Berit Dahle, Heike Eichele, Egil Midtlyng, Liv Irene Nøstvik, Arne Opdahl, Lisbeth Iglum Rønhovde, Marit Synnøve Skrove, Nils Olav Aanonsen. Les mer om arbeidsgruppen for retninglinjen her.

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